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KYF Women & Children Empowerment

Musical shows & Testimony lectures


How to recover after experiencing violence - By Sonia GRIMM

Possibility of organizing a conference with LIVE songs to illustrate the topics discussed.


In the light of the #MeToo movement, Sonia Grimm was one of the first victims to speak publicly in Switzerland about the 15 years of violence by her husband-producer. 

She recovered using the KYF© Methodology and testifies by explaining her journey.


Just recently, an Indian woman was able to save her 18-month-old child from being attacked by a tiger.

Women have a strength they don't know they have, hidden behind limiting beliefs they have held since childhood. They have often been told that women are less strong than men, physically and mentally. That they are not able to defend themselves. That they are less capable of succeeding in technical or leadership fields. These are beliefs, not the truth. 

By understanding what a belief is, how it is constructed, what a fear is and what provokes it, we can overcome them and thus, access an unsuspected power.

Bullying and Violence Prevention Shows " Through the self"

Youth prevention program


          English file               Dossier en français (Suisse)

                                            Dossier en français (France)

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« Unsubmissive- Autopsy of a destructive love », Sonia Grimm, Ed. Favre, 2018 - Ed. WuWei Inspiration, 2021

"When I say « Yes, I do » on August 26, 2010, tears of joy run down my cheeks. Finally I am marrying the man of my life!I tell myself that it's good this time, that we will be happy and that we will grow old together. I love you so much!

I never imagined that this would lead me to touch death with my fingertips. But there were signs and I should have been more wary of words that hurt. In wanting to please you too much, I put my identity aside. Little by little, you tried to take power through hidden threats and repeated devaluations. Until I became your puppet. Where can I find the strength to escape from this prison without bars that sees me dying slowly? One is prepared for happiness, but one is never prepared to live despair and violence. »

Ever since she was a child, Sonia Grimm has dreamed of writing, dancing and seeing whales. As a teenager, she realized that her greatest desire was to be a mother. At the age of 25, she gave birth to Emma, and two years later to Benjamin. It was time for her to express her creativity and she started to write to write songs for children. Songs that speak to them of love, respect of hope and that transmit to them, in image and in softness, the values of our society. In 2003, she fell madly in love with a music producer who proposed her to launch her career. They got married a few years later. Together, they released several albums, created and staged major musical shows that are sold out in the biggest halls in French-speaking Switzerland, such as the Auditorium Stravinski in Montreux, the Théâtre de Beaulieu in Lausanne and the Arena in Geneva.

Everything seems to be going well for this "children's princess" who was elected "favorite personality of the French-speaking Swiss in 2011". She multiplies her successes and always displays a smile full of kindness and sweetness to her little fans and their parents. But appearances are sometimes deceiving.

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Rue de la Rotisserie 8, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
M: +41 79 950 01 00  -

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