KYF Methodology
What is KYF ?
“KYF- Know Yourself First”
A methodology to surpass yourself and go from good to great !
Be empowered to “know yourself” as to be a more conscious human being, and to become the best possible version of yourself, in negotiation and mediation as well.
From top managers, to high ranked diplomats, to Formula 1 driver ….
How they surpassed their limited self to strive and thrive by discovering and Knowing Themselves First !
Methodology developed by Steve Alban Tineo during more than 20 years of field work.
Accompanied by doctors, psychologists, and experts, he has selected, analyzed and tested academically and operationally a large number of mental preparation methodologies, philosophies, personal development, emotional expression, negotiation and mediation programs as well as conflict resolution, in order to understand them and extract the best from each of them.
A methodology to improve your success rate in negotiation, leadership and conflict management
KYF - Know Yourself First
Developed in the field
Over the years, Steve Alban and his team have worked with dozens of high-level athletes, senior executives and diplomats and have interacted with many types of personalities and behaviors of varying degrees of toxicity and dysfunction in a wide range of complex and high-stakes assignments around the world.
Your personal toolbox
KYF is a personal toolbox developed based on the observation that each person has a very different and identifiable profile and personality. By understanding one's own personality, as well as that of the person with whom one is dealing, it is possible to establish links and create constructive and lasting interactions. It is then possible to find the most appropriate toolbox for each different type of profile.
Ask the right question
Part of the KYF methodology is to always ask "the right questions" to discover the "emotional and personal issues" of each party. Once the issues have been managed, this allows the development of "tangible, rational and constructive solutions" in the long term, proposing agreements that often no one had thought of.
An ancestral wisdom
The KYF methodology is also one of the ways to apply an ancestral wisdom that has been passed down in many cultures since time immemorial. The methodology simply shows "where" and "how" to draw from within oneself to undertake this process.
Become more efficient
"KYF- Know Yourself First" allows us to learn to decode our own functioning, to understand the functioning of our mind, to better know ourselves and better understand others. It also allows us to put an end to our suffering and to our belief system that limits us, to find a way to live in peace, without fears and without suffering. To become more efficient and effective.
Consiousness of Humanity
Win Win Win
For Me | For You | For the World
Through the Self
The first Book on the KYF methodology
"By applying what we discovered, I became a mental coach for many sports and media personalities and other influential people, but above all an expert in negotiation, mediation and crisis management, specializing in "human capital" for large companies, governments and special missions. Even though we look the same, we are all extremely different. We cannot use the same tools and/or methodologies. We must first learn to adapt the world to ourselves, and then we can adapt ourselves back to the world and to others."
― Steve Alban TINEO ―